Let me just say, I HATE FAD DIETS! I think it's all about moderation. Eat more good things, eat less bad things. Right? So this brings us to portion control.
Lol at this dog!!! I can easily be this dog when I let my bad habits take over. Here are some tips I have come across that help me:
- Measure, measure, measure! Check the serving size and measure it! To help with food that can only be measured by weight, I bought this really cool digital food scale from amazon. Measuring makes a HUGE difference. (You'd be surprised how small portions actually should be.)
- Breakdown leftovers into individual servings. I buy those disposable ziplock containers. Taylor likes it because he can just grab one for lunch, and then I'm not tempted to eat more than a serving.
- Keep seconds out of sight. Once dinner is served, put any leftovers away before you eat. I don't neccessarily do this when I have people over, but when it's just us, this totally works. Sometimes it takes a while for your brain to realize that you are actually full. If the food is put away I am much less liking to go for that second helping when I've already had enough.
- Keep trigger foods out of the house! You know the ones. You could easily eat the whole box (and then some) in one sitting. I often get my cravings at night and if my trigger foods aren't in the house, it makes it a WHOLE lot easier to stick to my plan. When you do want to treat yourself (and you SHOULD!) buy a single serving.
- Have healthy snacks accessible and easy to grab. A little bit of prep will make meal planning and healthy snacking so much easier. Also, put the healthy food where you can see it (at eye level in the pantry & in the fridge).
What tips do work for you? I'd love to hear them!
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