Monday, January 26, 2009

Month 2 starts today!

Checking in with my month 1 final results. We weighed, measured and took pictures yesterday. Month 2 starts for me today.

Here are my results:
Weight loss: 12.8 lbs.
Total inches lost: 9.25 inches (Biggest losses were 2 inches off abs and 2.5 inches off abductors!)

Taylor's results:
Weight loss: 8 lbs. (he's lost 19 lbs. since November, when he cut out soda and started watching portions!)
Total inches lost: 10.75 inches (He also lost 2 inches off of his waist!)

We compared our day 1 and day 28 pictures side by side and were able to see some definite changes. It was pretty interesting to see what we accomplished in only 4 weeks.

After my last post, for some reason I started feeling like I was a fraud, like I'm having this success now, but I'll just go back to my old ways. I swear all weekend I battled this horrible thoughts. It really helped to do the measurements and pictures yesterday to prove myself wrong! I hate days like that, where you know those thoughts are bogus and no good comes of them, but they keep popping up. I read and re-read your comments here and on my message board and really worked on owning this success I have seen. I am now ready to push forward and have an amazingly strong 2nd month!!! (That's funny because the 2nd month is called "PUSH!")

I was going to get up to do PC1 this morning, but we got home laaaaate last night. I still need to print out the worksheet for it, so I decided to make time this afternoon so I could really focus on this new workout.


  1. Carrie the reality is that you are doing really well and even if you didn't stay perfect and do everything right you know that you have to at the very least maintain the work you have done. I know that you can do it. If I can I think anyone can! I have absolute faith in you.

  2. There will be an unexpected rise in demand. We're living in harsh political times. I have not been at my peak for more than six years.
